
  • new device가 기존 산업을 파괴한다? Ipad , kindle VS traditional book.
    카테고리 없음 2011. 12. 27. 09:44
    어떤면에서 보면 아이패드나 킨들이 기존 책장사 출판업을 망하게 한다고 말할수도 있다
    그러나..  약간 좀 다르게 보면 다를 수도 있지 않을까?
    국내 기준으로 정확하게 현재의 벨류 체인에서 누가 돈을 가장 많이 버는가?
    관련된 이해 관계자?
    1. 책방
    2. 소설가
    3. 출판사
    4. 인쇄업자
    5. 독자
    6. 비평가...
    등등.. 많은 관계자들이 있다.
    여기서 가장 타격을 받는 사람은 인쇄업자 아닐까?
    소설가도 많은 타격을 입을까?
    소설가도 여러타입이 있다.
    - 신규
    - 기존
     - 잘나가는
    이중에 누가 타격을 입을까?
    "잘나가는"이 아닐까?  신규에게는 쉽고 빠르게 독자와 연결될 가능성이 높아진다.
    어찌보면 이쪽 벨류체인에서 가장 중요한 사람들에게 득이 되는 부분도 있다.
    그렇기에  이 비지니스가 진행되고 있는게  아닐까 싶다...

    그리고 비평가.. 이제 이집단은 좀 달라져야 한다...
    책방도 마찮가지고.. 다른 비지니스가 되어야 한다.

    That sound you hear is the wrapping being torn off of millions of Kindles and iPads. When those devices are fired up and start downloading texts, it will be the greatest shift in casual reading since the mass market paperback arrived six decades ago. Will this dislocation destroy the traditional book? Will it doom the traditional independent bookstore? Will Amazon and Apple control the distribution of thought and culture in America? All these questions will be played out imminently.

    The migration to e-reading is usually reported as a one-way journey: You get a device, start downloading and never look back to the old-fashioned book. You start mocking those type-filled volumes reeking of another century. Meanwhile, the defenders of the old ways are digging in their heels. I know readers who swear never to read anything electronic, saying they find the format muddy and confusing and sad.

    Dennis Loy Johnson, a former academic who is the proprietor of Melville House, a small but innovative publishing firm, wants to reconcile these warring factions. Why should electronic and traditional not collaborate?

    “It seems to me that most of us in publishing have been far too quick to look to a print-book-less future,” Mr. Johnson said in an e-mail. “But that’s like saying we don’t need the wheel because someone invented the airplane.”

    Melville has introduced a new series, HybridBooks, to meld the two cultures. On the physical side, the Hybrids are attractive, stripped-down paperbacks, with nothing inside but a short classic text. The first five were all called “The Duel,” reprinting tales by Casanova, Kleist, Conrad, Kuprin and Chekhov. The latest is Melville’s tale of the first Wall Street refusenik, “Bartleby, the Scrivener.” Bartleby, for reasons that do not become clear until the end of his tale, decides to opt out. The connection with the Occupy Wall Street movement is clear, and is no doubt the reason the Melville House edition is already in its fifth printing.

    The electronic element comes in with the ancillary material. The last page of the Melville edition directs readers to a Web site, where they will find an 1852 map of lower Manhattan: a recipe for Ginger Nuts, a biscuit that plays a role in the narrative; lengthy excepts from Emerson and Thoreau; a contemporaneous classified ad for a scrivener; and similar material.

    “Basically, we decided to mimic our own reading process,” Mr. Johnson said “When I read a great classic, if I like it, I want the experience to somehow continue, so I will pursue more information about the writer, or the setting, or some aspect of the plot’s background. (Dueling? What’s up with that?) My mind wanders, imagining what the world of the book looked like. And so on. Now we have curated exactly that kind of material, and it allows you to linger in the world of the book, to understand more about it — to simply luxuriate in the world of the book longer. It’s something more than just the book, but something very much ‘of’ the book. This seems very innovative to me at the same time that it seems kind of an obvious innovation.”

    Ginger nuts, it turns out, were one of the first really-bad-for-you snack foods. “It added a whole new level of meaning to the story for me, even though I’d not only read it a dozen times or so before publishing it but taught it,” Mr. Johnson said. “It made me aware of a detail lost to time, further clarified my visualization of Bartleby, and made the story — which truly represents the birth of American literary modernism, to Melville’s lasting trauma — much more deeply resonant with contemporary culture.”

    Melville House calls its Hybrid line “enhanced print books.” It is a name that makes Mr. Johnson laugh. “Everyone’s always talking about enhanced e-books in this business,” he said. “They think I’m making fun of them when I call our print books enhanced.”


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