
  • 3월 7일 구글이 재미난 일을 또 하네요.. Google Play 구글 플레이라...
    카테고리 없음 2012. 3. 7. 20:37

    On Tuesday, Google unveiled Google Play, a one-stop-shop for all of Google’s software services and applications

    구글이 소프트웨어와 어플리케션을 한번에 구매할 수 있는 구글 플레이를 오픈했네요.. 역시
    요놈들 똑똑해요.. 원스탑.. 이런거 우리 좋아하잖아여... ㅋㅋ

    원스탑 쇼핑..
    이젠 그 의미도 변해야 겠지요...

    이왕 간김에 1타 2피를 해야 하는 세상이지요.. 모든 면에서
    새로운 정의가 필요한 상황입니다.   

    글구 또하나
    without the hassle of syncing
    요거 아주 중요합니다. 기존 아이폰 쓰는 사람들은 알지요.. 싱크 맞추는 거 아주 병맛이잖아여.. 이거 없습니다. ㅇㅋㅋㅋ 

    개인적으로는 아이튠스에 비해 좀 구려보입니다... 
    모르지요.. 어떤 일이 생길지는 두고 보십시당....


    Google Revamps Android Marketplace as Google Play

    | March 6, 2012, 2:55 pm

    On Tuesday, Google unveiled Google Play, a one-stop-shop for all of Google’s software services and applications.

    That means that Google Music, Google Books, Google’s movie streaming service and the Android Marketplace, the storefront for Android apps, will all be housed together under a single application and Web destination — Google Play. The idea, said Jamie Rosenberg, Google’s director of digital content for Android, is to knit the various pieces of Android’s ecosystem into “a single Google experience around digital content.”

    Mr. Rosenberg said Google plans to begin rolling out updates to Android phones and tablets over the next several weeks but that the Web hub, which all Google users can access, will be open to the public and available for browsing immediately. Android users who purchase songs or books on their devices will also be able to get to them through the Web site and vice versa, Google users who buy movies and songs on the Web will also have access to them on their Android devices. In addition, Google Play will make recommendations for applications, books and songs that its users might like to buy and download, based on their past purchases and browsing history.

    The newly revised experience helps Android, which at best, can be described as fragmented, offer a much more streamlined experience and continuum of continuity across the company’s diverse ecosystem of tablets and smartphones — which other rivals in the industry, including Apple and Microsoft, are also working to establish.

    Mr. Rosenberg said that Google was aware that shoppers were “aligning around ecosystems” and that company hoped this new effort would help entice people to stay within the Google realm for a much longer period of time.

    “We think that it takes a number of products that are individually excellent and brings them together into a unified experiences for users,” he said.


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