
  • iPad의 진화 과정.. New iPad 정말 새로운가? 아님 정말 편리한가?
    카테고리 없음 2012. 3. 14. 10:07
      그냥 간략하게..

    -   일단 무거워 졌네요.. ㅠㅠ
         → 1.33파운드에서 1.44로...  아이패드 1 은 1.5였음..
         → 물론 두꺼워도 졌습니다. 0.34 → 0.37

    -   블루투스 좋아졌습니다.
          2.1+EDR에서 4.0으로 좀 강력해보입니다.

    - 과거에 엾던 몇가지 기능이 생기기는 했으나  (video stablization) 전반적으로
      잡스선생님이 계셨다면 어떠했을까? 하는 생각이 드네요..
      → 그러나 일단 직접 써보기 전까지는 어떠한 판단도 할 수 없을듯.. 항상 
          애플제품은 보고 만저보고 해봐야 그 가치를 제대로 ...


    iPad vs. iPad 2 vs. the new iPad

    by Follow @donald
    • See how the Apple iPad has (or hasn't) progressed over the years.

    Can you tell them apart?

    (Credit: Apple)

    I can't blame you for not being excited by the "new iPad." With the screen turned off, there's really nothing to indicate that it's changed at all.

    Obviously, the big update to the third-generation iPad is the vastly improved screen. We hear about product screen improvements all the time, so it's easy to diminish what Apple has done here. I think the QXGA-resolution screen is an impressive feat, but you can choose to believe the hype or not.

    But the screen's not the whole story. Did you know that the new iPad is almost as heavy as the first? What about the latest iPad's inclusion of Bluetooth 4.0?

    Whether you're buying your first iPad, or weighing the benefits of upgrading, here's a chart comparing a few key specs between the first three iPad generations.

    iPad iPad 2 iPad (third generation)
    Screen 1,024x768 pixels 1,024x768 2,048x1,536
    Thickness 0.5 0.34 0.37
    Weight 1.5 pounds 1.33 pounds 1.44 pounds
    Processor A4 1GHz A5 1GHz (dual-core) A5X (dual-core, w/ quad-core graphics)
    Front camera N/A VGA VGA
    Rear camera n/a 0.7 megapixel/720p 5 megapixels/1080p
    Stabilization N/A No Yes
    Face detection N/A No Yes
    FaceTime No Yes Yes
    Siri No No Dictation only
    Gestures* Yes Yes Yes
    Cellular 3G (AT&T) 3G (Verizon, AT&T) 4G (Verizon, AT&T)
    Video out Limited HD mirroring HD mirroring
    Bluetooth 2.1+EDR 2.1+EDR 4.0

    *Multifinger gesture support, such as four-finger swipe to toggle apps, or five-finger pinch to close apps.


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