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    카테고리 없음 2012. 4. 4. 10:07


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    Amazon Appstore Is More Lucrative For Developers Than Google Play Store

    Amazon launched its own Appstore for mobile devices last year. While it is still much smaller than Apple‘s iOS App Store or Google‘s Android Market in terms of apps or customers, it has been gaining a lot of traction lately, primarily because of the success of the Kindle Fire, which is one of the most popular tablets to date. According to a recent report by Flurry, Amazon’s Appstore may be a much better option than the official Android Market (Google Play Store) for developers in terms of revenue generation potential. [1

    Flurry compared the average revenue generated by some top apps sold through the iOS App Store, Android Market and the Amazon Appstore. As expected, the iOS App Store ranked first, but surprisingly, the Amazon Appstore also fared much better than the Android Market. The average revenue generated by an app in the Amazon Appstore is more than thrice the average revenue generated by it through the Android Market.

    This finding could lead to developers focusing on the Amazon Appstore, optimizing their apps for Amazon’s tablets and other devices first, and could potentially lead to greater fragmentation in the Android ecosystem. Since Amazon takes a 30% cut off each app sale, it could also lead to a sizable alternative revenue source for Amazon, which has seen depressed margins in the last quarter due to Kindle Fire sales.

    More importantly, it could shift the power in the Android ecosystem further out of the hands of Google, which has backed Android primarily to boost its mobile advertising revenues. Like Apple, Amazon is trying to build a complete ecosystem around its platform, but plans to make money by selling digital content instead of hardware. If it is able to get its Appstore on more Android devices by other manufacturers, it can generate additional revenue without taking a hit by selling its own hardware at a loss.

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    We currently have a $205 Trefis price estimate for Amazon, which is in line with the market price.

    For Generating App Revenue, Amazon Shows Google How to Play

    As markets mature, rational economic behavior emerges.  Even the most passionate, idealistic software start-ups focus increasingly on markets where revenue generation is highest. In this report, Flurry compares the ability for app developers to generate revenue across the major app stores.  We examine a basket of top-ranked apps that have similar presence across iOS, Amazon and Android.  Their primary business models are in-app purchase, which is the revenue type we compare for this analysis.  Additionally, earlier research by Flurry found that the in-app purchase revenue model generates the majority of revenue for apps.  Combined, these apps average 11 million daily active users (DAUs).  We measured their revenue over a 45-day period, from mid-January through the end of February 2012.

    Revenue Comparison   iOS vs Amzn vs Android updated resized 600

    The chart above compares revenue generated per user across iOS, Amazon and Android app stores.  We start by taking the revenue generated per user in the iTunes App Store and setting it to 100%.  We then compare the relative revenue generated from Amazon and Google to the amount of revenue per active user generated by the iTunes App Store.  Doing so, we find that Amazon Appstore revenue per active user is 89% of iTunes App Store revenue, and Google Play revenue per active is 23% of iTunes App Store revenue.  Another way to interpret the results is that for the same number of users per platform, every $1.00 generated in the iTunes App Store, will also fetch $0.89 in the Amazon Appstore and $0.23 in Google Play.  These results mirror those of a similar analysis conducted by Flurry last December, where we found for every $1.00 generated per user in the iTunes App Store, developers generated $0.24 per user in the Android Market.

    Amazon's bet to fork Android in order to put consumers into their own shopping experience on Kindle Fire appears to be paying off.  Showing its commerce strength, Amazon already delivers more than three times the revenue in its app store compared to what Google generates for developers.  

    For some possible insight, let's consider the DNA of each company. Apple runs the highest revenue-per-square foot generating retail store on the planet as well as the successful iTunes store.  Amazon, who invented the one-click purchase, perfected online shopping with data, efficiency and customer service.  Google’s strength is in scalable online search engine and advertising technology.  Running a store, retail or digital, has not been Google's traditional core competency.

    As developers make decisions to support different platforms, the ability to generate revenue will always be a key factor.  Based on revenue potential, we expect to see an increasing number of developers support Amazon.  We also believe that companies such as Samsung, the leading Android-supporting OEM, could also consider emulating Amazon’s move to fork Android.  Google, who recently saw the departure of Eric Chu, the most public-facing proponent of Android Market improvement, will need to reduce commerce friction to maintain strong developer support.  From an ecoystem perspective, the emergence of Amazon as an additional distribution channel appears to be a boon for developers.


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