
  • 5월 14일 News Brief
    카테고리 없음 2012. 5. 14. 08:42


      Facebook의 방문자가 일단 엄청나다.

    사용자는 그 다음 문제이고..  시쳇말로 목이 아주 뛰어난 곳이다.

    뭔들 안되겠는가... 확실한 플랫폼이고.. 웬만큰 컨텐츠나 서비스가 나쁘지 않으면

    그냥 되는 거라 본다.

    더우기 과거의 플렛폼이 아니라 최근에 만들어진 플렛폼이다.

    사용자가 과거 플렛폼에  잡혀 있는 사람이 아니다.. 즉 뭔가 더 새로운 것을 추구하고

    진화의 앞선에 있는 사람이다.

    구글이나 네이버보다는 좀더 빠른 변화를 추구하는 사람들일수도 있다.



    과거에는 이마트에만 입점하면 기본 1억은 판다 했다.

    그러던것이 네이버에 입점하면 기본 2억은 판다 했다.

    그리고 이제는 이마트에 들어간다고 해서 경기가 끝나지 않는다.

    과거처럼 네이버에서 한다고 해서 다 성공하지 않는다.

    세상이 변했고 사람들도 변한다.

    과거 이마트를 이용하고 네이버를 이용한 사람들이

    지금의 기술의 끝자락에 있는 기능들을 사용하고 좋아한다고 확언할 수 없다.

    지금의 신기술에 대한 필요가 있는 사람은 새로운 플랫폼에서 놀고 있을테니까 말이다. .....


    그리고 이렇게 다른 회사에 문을 열어줘서 그 회사의 발전을 시킨다는 것..

    이건 좀 본 받을 일인것 같다..

    다른 회사 돈도 벌게 해주고.. 물론 일부 (?) 마진을 먹기는 하지만 말이다.

    그래서 Znyga 마냥 쌈박질도 하지만...

    그래도 자기가 다 사버리고, 남 못사게 하고 사징시켜버리는 일을 하는 우리네 현실과는

    좀 다르다..

    이렇게 남 돈벌게 해줘야 더 많은 객이 모여 들지 않을까???







    Imagine if you had a superpower that would allow you to peer into the future of the Internet? It’s a pretty nerdy power compared to Spider-Man’s web-slinging, but you could use this superhuman ability to see what would be popular soon, and in some instances, change the future.

    Facebook actually has this power. Because it connects Facebook users to more than nine million apps and services through Facebook Connect, the Open Graph developer platform, and the hundreds of millions of like buttons that perforate Web pages across the Internet, the company can see what people are using. Facebook is more tapped into the pulse of people online than any company on the planet.

    As a result, Facebook has the inside track to what is becoming more popular in a way that its many competitors do not.

    A person close to Facebook, speaking on the condition of anonymity because this is a delicate subject as the company prepares for its initial stock offering, explained that “Facebook is now understanding the type of information it has about what is successful online, or what is a potential threat to Facebook.”

    For example, the person said a number of the connections that occur through Facebook Connect, which allows people to port their identity from one service to another, allows Facebook to see the speed with which people are signing up for a new service. The same monitoring is applied to the type of content that is being sent to Facebook from other apps or sites.

    When the company saw a staggering spike of Instagram photos flowing into Facebook, it knew it had to act quickly. It bought the photo service for $1 billion before Twitter or Google could make a move.

    Facebook can also use its superpower to experiment with who wins and who loses online. This was evident on April 24 when Facebook started highlighting a number of apps, including Socialcam and Viddy, both new video-sharing services that had been growing modestly. Each had a few million users. Just one week after Facebook began highlighting these apps, Viddy and Socialcam had close to 20 million active users.

    Michael Seibel, chief executive of Socialcam, said the Facebook changes had catapulted his company to one of the top 100 sites on the Internet. “Since then we’ve seen 10 times growth.”

    “Facebook has so much power online that they have the ability to buy something at a low price and then make it go high by directing traffic accordingly,” said Jonathan Zittrain, a professor at Harvard Law School and a co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. “Sociologically, this is called the Matthew effect, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” (He notes that the term comes from a line in the Gospel of Matthew.) In other words, Facebook can create its future.

    In a statement, the company said: “The popularity of videos and other user-generated content on Facebook is not new, so it’s no surprise that social video apps are growing as friends share with each other and as more developers experiment with this type of content on Facebook.”

    Facebook may need to worry that competitors don’t see evidence that it uses its power unfairly. Eric Talley, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said that although Facebook could be accused of market manipulation or anticompetitive practices, the company could defend itself by saying that others monitored the same data and that Facebook simply did the job better.

    He said that Facebook might also have to worry that if it highlights content from companies it owns, it could face antitrust claims with the Doctrine of Tying. The federal government used this legal concept when it went after Microsoft for forcing its Web browser on customers who bought the Windows operating system.

    One thing is certain. As Facebook grows more powerful, it will be reminded of the advice given to Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

    Mark Zuckerberg f8Kimihiro Hoshino/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Facebook is now connected to more than nine million Web sites and apps on the Interent.


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