
  • 8월 3일 News Brief 미국인 신규 핸드폰 개통자의 2/3가스마트폰 개통하려고 한답니다.
    카테고리 없음 2012. 8. 3. 08:32

     2012년 2분기 기준으로 50%이상이 안드로이드 그리고 그 다음이 애플이당.

    여전히 30%는 지키고 있는 애플의 모습이 불안불안 해보인다.

    아이폰 5가 어느정도 잘 나오느냐에 따라 ....

    잼나는것은 안드로이 군단의 비중이 삼성 17%, HTC 14%, 모토로라가 13%

    그리고 iOS는 100% 아이폰...


    거대 제조사들 그들이 필요한것이 무엇일까??



    During Q2 2012 smartphone penetration continued to grow, with 54.9 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers owning smartphones as of June 2012. This growth is driven by increasing smartphone purchases: 2 out of 3 Americans who acquired a new mobile phone in the last three months chose a smartphone instead of a feature phone.

    US Smartphone Operating System market share in June 2012

    Android continues to lead the smartphone market in the U.S., with a majority of smartphone owners (51.8%) using an Android OS handset. Over a third (34.3%) of smartphone owners use an Apple iPhone, and Blackberry owners represented another 8.1 percent of the smartphone market.

    Overall among smartphone owners, Apple had the highest manufacturer share of smartphone handsets. Among recent acquirers who obtained their smartphone during June 2012, 54 percent said they chose an Android handset and 36 percent bought an iPhone.

    Q2 2012 US Smartphone manufacturers share by operating system

    Update 7/16: The original graphic in this post included a chart depicting U.S. smartphone manufacturer share which did not scale proportionately. While all data points in the original post and graphic remain accurate, the post has since been updated with a correctly scaled image.


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