6월 25일 News brief 삼성이 데스크 탑 컴퓨터를 접는다면..카테고리 없음 2013. 6. 25. 11:20
사실 삼성이 데스크 탑 pc를 팔 필요는 없다... 수익이 많이 나는 것도 아니고.. 앞으로 해당 분야가 정말 잘된다고 보장하 수 있는 상황도 아니고...
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아마도 그래도 데스크탑이 필요한 니치 마켓이 존재할수도 있다.. 그리고 더 좋은 데스크 탑이 나와서.. 하지만 대세는 좀 기울어 버리지 않았나 싶다..
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Samsung said to be shuttering desktop business
Summary: Already one of the leading mobile device makers in the world, Samsung is getting out of the PC business.
Samsung has seen the writing on the wall for the PC market and is apparently getting out of the business altogether.
The Korea Times reported on Monday that the Seoul-based corporation is killing off its desktop business.
For anyone who wasn't already aware that Samsung had a desktop unit, the move makes a lot of sense given Samsung's strength and leadership in both the global mobile market as well as the Android ecosystem.
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Reps for Samsung told the news service that because "demand for conventional desktop PCs is going down," Samsung will now divert its "resources to popular connected and portable devices.”
The Galaxy S maker routinely comes out on top of mobile OEM sales and shipments charts, occasionally trading back and forth with Apple on both domestic and global accounts.
Samsung's focus on mobility and its now lack of interest in PCs are not mutually exclusive.
It wouldn't come as a shock if more tech companies with diverse product portfolios cut ties with PCs to conserve resources and boost their bottom lines.
As further evidence for those possible motives, Garnter published a new forecast earlier on Monday that shipments of traditional PCs (meaning both desktops and laptops) are expected to reach 305 million units this year -- a 10.6 percent decline from 2012.
Furthermore, the IDC released a report back in April that found global PC shipments had declined by 14 percent during the first three months of 2013 -- the worst plunge for the segment since 1994.